Friday, 27 April 2012

'SketchPad' Storyboarding

With the rise in portable tablet usage in digital production illustration, such as the ipad, one of the biggest markets is the various 'App store' programs for these. Many apps have been made that cater to the needs of Storyboarding and digital illustration, such as Celtx in my earlier post.

There is one project in particular that caught my eye: a comprehensive digital drawing application built by the practitioner(s) of the field it relates to. Below is a video of their pitch of this in-development project.

Seems really cool. Their efforts are reliant on the amount of pledges, or funding they receive through their project site. It's fascinating to see guys like this really taking command and tailoring programs to fulfil their needs. This kind of approach to the industry could really put more 'power' in the hands of the designers, as they can create the tools with which they are using, rather than relying upon offered tools in the market.

I'll be sure to get this app, if and when it's ever finished.

Here's their project link:

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